Grant writer consulting contract tips with Danielle Liss - Grant Writing Simplified, Teresa Huff

Business Building: Tips for Grant Writer Consulting Contracts [Episode 053]

Protecting Your Grant Writing Consulting Business

Today we’re covering an important topic: How do you design a contract for your consulting work?

In this series, we’re going through tips for building your grant writing career. These episodes give you a sneak peek into the Fast Track to Grant Writer program where I walk you through these in detail. We talk about which strategies are best for your career goals to help you become the go-to grant writer in your community.

As we go through the series this month, I want to answer your questions. What’s your biggest challenge or frustration when it comes to grant writing? Email info@teresahuff.com or message me on LinkedIn

What Should a Grant Writing Consulting Contract Include?

If you decide to be a grant writing consultant or do any type of freelance work, you’ll need a good contract. But what should that have? Where do you start with making sure you’re protected?

Lawyer and contract expert Danielle Liss, Esq., of Liss Legal and Businessese, shares great tips for designing your grant writing contracts to work for you, not the other way around.

Grant Writing Contract Must-Haves

Danielle recommends several core elements in a good grant writing contract:

  • Payment details, terms, and refund policy
  • Termination clause – Give yourself the ability to end the contract if needed
  • Confidentiality
  • Scope of work / Statement of services – clearly define the deliverables
  • Revisions – how you’ll handle any changes

What the Grant Writing Contract Should Reflect

As a whole, your grant writing consulting contract should be flexible. The contract is an extension of your business; it’s a tool to help you design the business you want, not a barrier. 

Ideally the contract should be a recap of everything already discussed. That way there are no surprises for either party. The document captures everything that was already agreed upon.

Create the contract that reflects the business you want to have.

About Danielle Liss, Esq.

Danielle is passionate about simplifying legal for small business owners. She is the owner of Businessese, which offers DIY legal templates. She also has a law firm, LISS Legal, where she focuses her practice on online business owners, bloggers & influencers, and wellness professionals. 

Danielle has previously served as Chief Marketing Officer and General Counsel of an influencer network, as well as general counsel and vice president of affiliate programs for an 8-figure digital health and wellness company. 

Join me in the Grant Writing Simplified community over on LinkedIn and let’s keep the conversation going!

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